Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why I started this blog...

so... i'm in menopause! or i'm having menopause! or i'm going through menopause! whatever way is more correct to say it, i've heard so much about it, and know so little about it. so in trying to be proactive about what to expect, i skimmed some books and websites and mostly find information about physiology, hormone replacement therapy pros and cons, body changes, mood swings, craziness, sex changes, and other topics that almost always focus on the negative. if the information is not outright negative, then it's about how i can minimize the negative things that will inevitably happen to me now.

i don't think menopause knows who it's dealing with here. i so rarely come from a perspective of how to minimize the negative. so i dug *more* for good things.  with the exception of a few good nuggets, most of the positive information i found online was about the end of some negative aspects of having periods, i.e. menopause means no more periods, a new excuse for being bitchy, a time when i can wear white pants with no worries, a time when i'll save money from not needing to buy period supplies anymore, the end of monthly cramps, and a time when people can't say i'm crying and yelling because i'm on the rag anymore. and i found myself thinking... these aspects are the *good* parts...? that's it!? really...? 

and all of that is contrary to how i'm actually feeling. i'm feeling warmer, happier, more alive, more calm yet more intense, more centered, and more vivid. i feel like a different doorway to my self has opened and it's inviting me to walk through it to discover new things, as well as old things i always knew and let myself forget.

so... i googled more to see if i'd just missed the sites with good info. and i did find an article here or there, or input to menopause questions with a sentence or three that echoed the few good nuggets i'd found in my initial search ~ i might become less tolerant but in a good way; i might become more sensitive to things that matter; i might have more time for me and become more self assured; i might find inner strength.

and those are the things i was hoping to find; those are the intense, vivid, and empowering things i am beginning to feel. those feelings are soo much bigger than any of the negative aspects that may happen to me yet. and i was happy to find a few friends who shared similar good experiences. so i don't believe i'm alone in this reawakening. yet maybe people are too busy living their awakenings to take the time to share the journey? or maybe i haven't found their writings yet.

so... perhaps i'll share my journey for as long as i feel like doing so, with a huge focus on the positive. and maybe a blog is a way to do that, with invitations for others to share their positive menopause thoughts, feelings, and journeys as they wish. and maybe it becomes a collective journal so that other women might discover some amazing aspects of menopause to look forward to. and maybe that helps to offset the rivers of negative information they'll encounter. 

i'm going to rock menopause! cause that's how i fly. with our thoughts, we might make our world. with our friends, we might shape our flight. 

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